The Lymphatic System

Lymph is a clear fluid which forms in the body and normally drains back into the blood circulation through a network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes.

The Lymphatic System is the ‘Monitoring System’ of our body and is keeping the blood clean and the cells healthy while filtering harmful invaders, removes toxins and keeps our fluid levels balanced. Therefore a healthy Lymphatic System plays an important part in the body’s defence against infections and is essential for our Cardiovascular and Immune System as well as overall health and well-being.


When the lymph flow is restricted or blocked due to various reasons and conditions, lymph fluid accumulates in the tissues and swelling occurs which causes an achy, heavy, tight or full feeling in the affected body part. Unlike other oedemas, Lymphoedema leads to changes in the tissues, such as fibrosis and an increased risk of infection. When this happens, the swelling can become even more difficult to control. Lymphoedema affects all ages and may occur months or years after surgery, so it is important to understand and manage the life-long risk.

Primary Lymphoedema develops as a result of a congenital condition that affects how the lymph vessels were formed. The number of lymphatic vessels maybe reduced, increased or absent. This form may be present at birth, or develop at the onset of puberty, or not become apparent for many years into adulthood. It may also be associated with other congenital abnormalities/syndromes and can include lipoedema.

Secondary Lymphoedema is the result of damage to the lymphatic pathways, caused e.g. by surgeries, particularly cancer-related surgery where lymph nodes had to be removed, or after Radiotherapy. Secondary Lymphoedema can also occur as a result of infection, severe injury, burns, Venous (veins) disease, Immobility, Obesity, Lipoedema or any other trauma or surgery that causes damage to the lymphatic nodes and vessels.

Lymphoedema Therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphoedema Therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) support and optimise the Lymphatic System in function, thereby decreasing swelling, pain and discomfort and providing a healthy cellular environment. MLD is a specialised massage and gentle treatment form used in specific sequences and directions to stimulate the lymph flow throughout the body, clear major lymph nodes and encourage the drainage of build-up fluid, waste and toxins from body tissues.

Lymphatic Therapy is not only helpful for clients with diagnosed Primary or Secondary Lymphoedema but can be also beneficial for the following conditions:

  • Lipoedema (abnormal fat accumulation under the skin)

  • Post-traumatic oedema, post-surgery oedema

  • Venous insufficiency (with Doctor’s referral)

  • Chronic fatigue and chronic pain (especially nerve related pain)

  • Improves immunity, Sinus congestion, Allergies or part of Detoxification program

  • MLD has a calming effect on the Autonomic Nervous System helping with relaxation, quality of sleep, relieve constipation and generally aid digestion.

Treatment may vary depending on the stage and severity of the lymphoedema. Education to recognise early warning signs and learning to manage your condition is very important.

Depending on client’s presentation, Julia’s Lymphoedema Therapy includes: Consultation, Assessment, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Exercises, Garment recommendations.

Julia is our Remedial Massage Therapist and also an Australian accredited Lymphoedema Therapist and a member of the Australasian Lymphology Association ALA.

Her treatments are claimable with all Private Health Insurances.


Lymphatic Treatment Availability

Tuesday to Friday

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